2023年7月26日 (水)
2023年7月11日 (火)
7月9日、Derek Gaede氏(Daniel Gaede氏の御尊父)がご逝去なさいました。87歳でした。心よりお悔やみ申し上げます。
トーマス、セバスティアン、ダニエルより (拙訳:丸岡 努)
Daniel Gaedeからのメール(一部抜粋)
Last week I went to Hamburg to be with our father for his last week.
He had decided to take his own life with the help of an organization and a doctor. Thomas, Sebastian, me and also our wives knew about his decision already this May.
Yesterday, on Sunday in the late morning he opened the infusion himself and shortly after passed away. We, his 3 sons were with him. He was 87 years old.
Derek, as we called our beloved father, was so afraid of getting pain or not to be clear in the head due to his cancer and later not to be capable anymore to control when to go. He felt that his power had gradually decreased and walking and getting up in the morning had became much harder for him. We all respected his big decision and together had a wonderful time together the weeks, days and the hours before.
The picture of Derek shows him about 40 minutes before he left. He was a happy man and a great father. He will be with us forever.
All best wishes, also from Thomas and Sebastian, Daniel